In 2018, Humanities Commons honored one of the most time-honored traditions of the season: summer camp. We hosted a virtual summer camp for users old and new. It helped participants to update, build, and achieve an outstanding digital presence through HC. Please check out the discussions from Summer 2018 to see the fantastic work and thought-provoking conversations that our participants took part in last year.

In 2019, we hosted two Humanities Commons Summer Refresh Workshops. These events encouraged you to set aside time to update your digital presence on HC. The group is a space to ask questions, connect with other users, and see the various exciting ways that other scholars use HC to build their presence online.

You can use these materials as you update your presence on the Commons.

Please visit our site for more information and updates:

Advanced Mini Challenge #5: Widgets

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    • #15343

      Caitlin Duffy

      Hello, campers!

      I’ve just posted about our fifth mini-challenge on our blog. You can find the post here.

      For this mini-challenge, you will learn about the WordPress widgets that are available to use with HC sites. This challenge highlights just a few widgets that I thought might be helpful, but feel free to explore other options.

      As always, let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy discovering widgets!

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