In 2018, Humanities Commons honored one of the most time-honored traditions of the season: summer camp. We hosted a virtual summer camp for users old and new. It helped participants to update, build, and achieve an outstanding digital presence through HC. Please check out the discussions from Summer 2018 to see the fantastic work and thought-provoking conversations that our participants took part in last year.

In 2019, we hosted two Humanities Commons Summer Refresh Workshops. These events encouraged you to set aside time to update your digital presence on HC. The group is a space to ask questions, connect with other users, and see the various exciting ways that other scholars use HC to build their presence online.

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General Education Course Materials, CORE materials for generalists.

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    • #14609

      Scott Banville

      I haven’t really found a good place in any of the groups I’m a member of to post this query so I’ll post it here.

      I teach at a regional state university and while I get to teach in my “area” my area really is a generalist. General Education courses are a large part of my department’s course offerings and even our “English” major courses need to appeal to a wide range of students–art, history, psychology, education, etc. if the course is to be offered. With that said, I’m scheduled to teach the second half of the  British Literature survey. I’ve taught Zadie Smith’s White Teeth before in the course with a lot of success. It’s a great way to introduce some postcolonialism, some postmodernism, and other topics in an accessible way. I’d like to think about incorporating some of the recent controversy around the Windrush generation into the course. I could do this fairly easily in an upper division course, but I’m not sure how to do so in a general education course. I was thinking of perhaps trying to relate it issues of empire, imperialism, and the slave trade that we cover when reading Lyrical Ballads (especially “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”) and as part of our discussion of both White Teeth and V for Vendetta. I guess I’m not sure how much non-literary texts to bring in as part of the discussion.

      And in reference to the query about general education/generalist type resources, does anyone have any suggestions?

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